2018 | Oszuści (Pretenders) | Maxwell | 5.1 / 10
2018 | Ballada o Busterze Scruggsie (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs) | Kowboj | 7.3 / 10
2018 | Śnieżna paczka (Arctic Justice) | Lemmy (głos) | 4.7 / 10
2018 | Martwy świat (Future World) | Król Wojny | 3.2 / 10
2018 | Kin | Taylor Balik | 5.8 / 10
2017 | Kroniki Times Square (The Deuce) | Frankie Martino | 8.1 / 10
2017 | Disaster Artist (Disaster Artist, The) | Tommy Wiseau | 7.4 / 10
2017 | Obcy: Przymierze (Alien: Covenant) | Branson | 6.4 / 10
2016 | Dlaczego on? (Why Him?) | Laird Mayhew | 6.2 / 10
2016 | Sausage Party | Druggie (głos) | 6.1 / 10
2015 | Mały Książę (Le petit prince) | Lis (głos) | 7.7 / 10
2015 | True Story | Christian Longo | 6.3 / 10
2015 | Królowa pustyni (Queen of the Desert) | Henry Cadogan | 0.0 / 10
2015 | Kim jest Michael (I Am Michael) | Michael Glatze | 5.6 / 10
2015 | Every Thing Will Be Fine | Tomas Eldan | 5.4 / 10
2015 | Cicha noc (Night Before, The) | James Franco | 6.4 / 10
2014 | Sound and the Fury (Sound and the Fury, The) | Benjy Compson | 4.8 / 10
2014 | Wywiad ze Słońcem Narodu (Interview, The) | David Skylark | 6.5 / 10
2014 | Dobrzy ludzie (Good People) | Tom Reed | 5.5 / 10
2014 | Veronica Mars | James Franco | 6.8 / 10
2013 | Kiedy umieram (As I Lay Dying) | Darl Bundren | 5.4 / 10
2013 | Miasta miłości (Third Person) | Rick | 6.3 / 10
2013 | W obronie własnej (Homefront) | Gator | 6.5 / 10
2013 | Palo Alto | Mr. B | 6.2 / 10
2013 | Child of God | Jerry | 5.5 / 10
2013 | To już jest koniec (This Is The End) | James Franco | 6.6 / 10
2013 | Interior. Leather Bar | James | 5.1 / 10
2013 | Królowa XXX (Lovelace) | Hugh Hefner | 6.2 / 10
2013 | Oz: Wielki i Potężny (Oz: The Great and Powerful) | Oz | 6.3 / 10
2012 | Color of Time, The | C.K. Williams | 4.3 / 10
2012 | Spring Breakers | Alien | 5.3 / 10
2012 | Iceman: Historia mordercy (Iceman, The) | Marty | 6.8 / 10
2012 | Marina Abramović: artystka obecna (Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present) | On sam | 7.9 / 10
2011 | Sal | Milton Katselas | 4.8 / 10
2011 | Wasza Wysokość (Your Highness) | Fabious | 5.5 / 10
2011 | Geneza planety małp (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) | Will Rodman | 7.6 / 10
2010 | Nocna randka (Date Night) | Chase Myers | 6.3 / 10
2010 | Jedz, módl się, kochaj (Eat Pray Love) | David | 5.8 / 10
2010 | 127 godzin (127 Hours) | Aron Ralston | 7.5 / 10
2010 | Skowyt (Howl) | Allen Ginsberg | 6.7 / 10
2008 | Obywatel Milk (Milk) | Scott Smith | 7.7 / 10
2008 | Noce w Rodanthe (Nights in Rodanthe) | Mark Flanner | 6.0 / 10
2008 | Boski chillout (Pineapple Express) | Saul Silver | 6.9 / 10
2007 | W Dolinie Elah (In the Valley of Elah) | Sierżant Dan Carnelli | 7.1 / 10
2007 | Spider-Man 3 | Harry Osborn | 6.4 / 10
2006 | Annapolis | Jake Huard | 5.9 / 10
2006 | Kult (Wicker Man, The) | Facet w barze | 3.7 / 10
2006 | Tristan i Izolda (Tristan & Isolde) | Tristan | 6.8 / 10
2006 | Flyboys - bohaterska eskadra (Flyboys) | Blaine Rawlings | 6.5 / 10
2006 | Siedem żyć (Dead Girl, The) | Derek | 6.6 / 10
2005 | VI Batalion (Great Raid, The) | Kapitan Prince | 6.7 / 10
2004 | Spider-Man 2 | Harry Osborn | 7.7 / 10
2002 | Dochodzenie (City by the Sea) | Joey | 6.1 / 10
2002 | Gang braci (Deuces Wild) | Tino | 5.7 / 10
2002 | Spider-Man | Harry Osborn | 7.2 / 10